We’ve been sounding the alarm about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) for years. Negotiated in secret, it is no surprise that the final version of this toxic trade agreement will undermine sustainable farmers, working families, the environment, and public health. These impacts will be very real and will impact all of us.
Congress still needs to approve the TPP with a yes or no vote. They must say no! Let’s keep the pressure on.
This summer and fall there is another way for you to say no to the TPP. We’ve recently endorsed Rock Against the TPP, a series of concerts and educational events making its way across the United States.
The events are free. This is an opportunity to come together and show just how many of us want a system of trade that benefits all, not just the corporate elite. And the events will be fun. Bring a friend or two who still haven’t heard about the TPP and help spread the word.
Whatever I can do to stop it, I will.