Contributing writer: Michael Sligh During this period of turbulence and challenges in the Fair Trade movement, it seems appropriate to […]
Issue 5, Fall 2012
Welcome to the 5th issue of For A Better World. This issue’s cover featuring FWP’s Just Economy map shows the important groups striving to create a just economy: small scale artisan and farmer groups in the developing world seeking fairness in trade; workers in the global apparel industry organizing for better wages and working conditions; and farmers and agricultural workers in the North and South seeking economic fairness at home.
Contributing writer: Michael Sligh During this period of turbulence and challenges in the Fair Trade movement, it seems appropriate to […]
Contributing writer: Rob Hardy, Safianu Moro, Gero Leson Palm oil is a widely used, high volume and highly controversial plant […]
Contributing writer: Erin Gorman N’nobua is a community tradition among cocoa farmers in Ghana. N’nobua means “if you help me, […]
Contributing writer: Phyllis Robinson The United Nations has declared 2012 the International Year of the Co-operative “highlighting the contribution of […]
NAFTA of the Pacific Around the Corner In April 2012, the United States’ “Free Trade Agreement” (FTA) with Colombia went […]
Contributing writer: Meg Wilcox Straddling the borders of Uganda and Kenya, massive Mount Elgon towers above the hot African plains, […]
Contributing writer: Rudi Dalvai The Fair Trade movement began its journey five decades ago. The initial idea was to build […]
Contributing writer: Peter Dreier Aracelis “Kuky” Upia, a 39-year-old factory worker in the Dominican Republic, is participating in an experiment […]