Contributing Writer: Nicholas Hoskyns Nicaragua’s revolution triumphed on July 19, 1979. The Sandinistas came to power, having overthrown the Somoza […]
Issue 8, Spring 2014
This issue celebrates this global event by engaging consumers to participate in trade justice both on the policy level and through supporting mission driven brands that are committed to supporting small-scale producers. We also are challenged to think beyond the boundaries of traditional fair trade. For example, Wenonah Hauter, author of the book Foodopoly, highlights the negative impact of industrial agricultural policy on our food system, which is now characterized more by monopoly than democracy. In other articles, Paul Shapiro and Ronnie Cummins explore what it means to be fair to farm animals and why we should label factory farm products as such. At the same time, we remain true to our roots, and Niger Willerton discusses the pressing issues that fair trade sugar farmers are facing today.
Contributing Writer: Nicholas Hoskyns Nicaragua’s revolution triumphed on July 19, 1979. The Sandinistas came to power, having overthrown the Somoza […]
Contributing Writer: Dana Geffner World Fair Trade Day is May 10, 2014 Wouldn’t it be great if public policies benefited […]