Contributing Writers: Carrie Hawthorne & Kristin Johnson Global Mamas is struggling with success. That may sound like a strange statement […]
Issue 8, Spring 2014
This issue celebrates this global event by engaging consumers to participate in trade justice both on the policy level and through supporting mission driven brands that are committed to supporting small-scale producers. We also are challenged to think beyond the boundaries of traditional fair trade. For example, Wenonah Hauter, author of the book Foodopoly, highlights the negative impact of industrial agricultural policy on our food system, which is now characterized more by monopoly than democracy. In other articles, Paul Shapiro and Ronnie Cummins explore what it means to be fair to farm animals and why we should label factory farm products as such. At the same time, we remain true to our roots, and Niger Willerton discusses the pressing issues that fair trade sugar farmers are facing today.
Contributing Writers: Carrie Hawthorne & Kristin Johnson Global Mamas is struggling with success. That may sound like a strange statement […]
Contributing Writer Ronnie Cummins It was not long ago that consumers knew where their food came from. Most of it, […]
Contributing Writer: Wenonah Hauter The Foodopoly, Trade and Democracy “OUR FOOD SYSTEM IS BROKEN!” It is a rallying cry for […]
Contributing Writer Paul Shapiro More than a century ago, Upton Sinclair shocked the nation with his groundbreaking and best-selling novel, […]
Contributing Writer David Bronner Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps has been battling the systemic “fairwashing” that various certifiers and their licensees […]
Contributing Writer Nigel Willerton The global conventional sugar market is large and complex. According to the United States Department of […]
Contributing Writer La Via Camesina To kick off the 2014 International Year of Family Farming, the European Commission (EC) recently […]
Contributing Writer Errol Schweizer Despite the narrow defeat of I-522 in Washington state last year, the momentum for GMO transparency […]
Contributing Writer: Andrea Fütterer After more than thirty-five years of focusing on the first of GEPA´s three mission statements, “to […]