Contributing Writer Kat Schuett You may have heard about yerba mate, and perhaps even experienced its “feel-good effect,” a combination […]
Issue 9, Fall 2014
In today’s shifting landscape, technology is forging ahead even while it creates problems for farmers, workers and citizens worldwide. In this issue of For A Better World, we learn from Friends of the Earth’s Dana Perls about synthetic biology (synbio) vanilla and its potential to displace thousands of vanilla farmers in Mexico. Paul Towers from Pesticide Action Network examines the dwindling populations of butterflies and bees due to the industrial agricultural’s dependency on genetically engineered seed and chemical inputs. Ariel Vegosen shares with us her journey to India where she talks with Vandana Shiva about Monsanto and the harsh realities that Indian GMO farmers face.
Contributing Writer Kat Schuett You may have heard about yerba mate, and perhaps even experienced its “feel-good effect,” a combination […]
Contributing Writer Colette Cosner Over the last year, fair trade certifiers, previously focused on the Global South, have begun to […]
Contributing Writer By Saru Jayaraman The federal “tipped minimum wage” for restaurant workers is $2.13 an hour. What that means […]
Contributing Writer Sarah Besky Social justice for agricultural laborers far away from the aisles of the Bay-area grocery stores in […]
Contributing Writer Daniel Jaffee When the certifier Fair Trade USA (FTUSA) announced in 2011 that it would split from the […]
Contributing Writer: Fair World Project Fair Trade USA (FTUSA) recently finalized a “fair trade” apparel program, and Patagonia soon after […]
Contributing Writer By Ariel Vegosen, with an interview of Dr. Vandana Shiva India — home of multi-colored saris; many languages; […]
Contributing Writer Dana Perls A new generation of flavors, fragrances and oils are entering many of our favorite foods, cosmetics […]
Contributing Writer Paul Towers What do bees and butterflies have in common? More than you would think; they are the […]